Why Doesn’t Chevreuse Heal in Co-op Mode in Genshin Impact? A Dive into Game Mechanics & Effects

Exploring why Chevreuse's healing skill may not work in coop mode in Genshin Impact. Based on the Reddit debate

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact, the popular open-world action RPG game, has sparked a discussion revolving around one of its characters’ abilities. Chevreuse, a character in the game, has a feature that supposedly allows her to heal active characters on the field, at least according to her skill description. But some players are raising questions, namely: Does this healing ability actually work in co-op play?


  • Some players noted that the wording of Chevreuse’s abilities is different from other characters, making it unclear whether or not her healing capability actually extends to co-op play.
  • Most abilities that function in co-op mode specifically include terms like ‘nearby’ or ‘active characters within the field’.
  • However, there’s uncertainty as the ‘active character’ term is used sometimes explicitly stated qualifying to ‘own’ characters.

Player Opinions

Peeking into the players’ thoughts, user ‘DefinitelyNotKuro‘ suggests that ‘the wording for all your other examples are more inclusive of other players than that of Chevreuse’s skill,’ primarily because they specify being ‘nearby’ or ‘within their aoe’. There’s a sense of frustration hinted in their comment, mirroring the community’s need for clear in-game terminology.

Industry Precedent

Another interesting point brought up is how these semantics follow, or sometimes depart from, the industry’s standards. ‘Tsungeren‘, a Path of Exile player, provided some insights: ‘”the” active, “nearby” active.’ Their expert comment underscores the need for effective keyword usage in character skills to reduce ambiguity for the player.

Looking Forward

Continuing the debate, user ‘Plenty_Peace_81‘ brings a player-oriented perspective into the fold: ‘I really wish she did tbh. It’s weird because she’s the first healer that’s like this.’ This player’s sentiment reflects the hopes of many in the community for more inclusive healer abilities in coop modes.

In the world of video games where every asset and ability can make the difference between epic victory or disheartening defeat, it’s essential for game developers to consider these debates. They not only highlight ideas for improvement but also show the deep engagement and passion of the player community. Whether the character Chevreuse’s healing ability should work in co-op mode in Genshin Impact or not is, indeed, something that warrants further discussions and potential reviewing. Nonetheless, this is the beauty of an ever-evolving virtual world where player feedback is instrumental in shaping the gaming experience.