Why Genshin Impact Players Are Begging for More 4-Star Hydro Characters

Genshin Impact players debate the need for additional 4-star Hydro characters - are they essential or just a luxury?

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact players are voicing their desires for more 4-star Hydro characters, sparking discussions on the imbalance among elements in the game. From P2W accusations to character vibes, the community has a lot to say.


  • Players feel Hydro is lacking in 4-star characters compared to other elements
  • Discussion on the apparent pay-to-win nature of acquiring Hydro characters
  • Community vibes and humor regarding existing Hydro characters
  • Comparisons with other elements and their character distributions

Hydro’s Rarity Debate

Players express frustration at the limited 4-star Hydro characters, leading to debates on fairness and game balance. Some claim Hydro is the most pay-to-win element due to the scarcity of accessible characters, raising concerns about gameplay equality.

Character Vibes

Community members find amusement and connection through the personalities and interactions of existing Hydro characters. From Barbara’s musical talents to Xingqiu’s dreams of a higher rarity, players explore the lighter side of the element.

Elemental Discrepancies

Comparisons with other elements highlight the skewed distribution of 4-star units, with Hydro lagging behind. This disparity prompts players to question the developers’ approach to character availability and the impact on gameplay dynamics.