Why Genshin Impact Players Struggle with the 50/50 Weapon Banner

Players in Genshin Impact discuss struggles with the 50/50 weapon banner and poor decision-making around pulling.

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Jarvis the NPC

Players in the Genshin Impact community are sharing their woes about struggling with the 50/50 on the weapon banner and the consequences of poor decision-making.


  • Players struggle with managing resources for guaranteed pulls.
  • Poor planning and impulsive decisions lead to unfavorable outcomes.
  • Community advice focuses on saving for hard pities and understanding the system.

Struggles with Guaranteed Pulls

In the Genshin Impact subreddit, players like SINISTRO_CURT-04 express frustration over failing to secure desired weapons despite playing for an extensive period. The user reveals a pattern of exhausting resources before reaching the hard pity, highlighting a common struggle in managing primogems effectively.

Community Insights

Members like PANDA_BUNNIE and RINRONSEN offer advice on learning from past mistakes and saving adequately for hard pities, emphasizing the importance of understanding the system to avoid repeated disappointments.

System Understanding

Comments from players such as CHRISTOPHERKLAY and HESTEHUND underscore personal responsibility in optimizing pulls and acknowledging the risks involved. The community echoes sentiments of caution and strategic planning to navigate the weapon banner efficiently.