Why Gold Mbappé in FIFA is Worth More Than You Think

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever wondered why Gold Mbappé is worth more than everyone in FIFA? Let’s dive into the discussion.


  • Gold Mbappé’s value is influenced by rarity and demand.
  • Players express frustration at the unpredictability of card pack odds.
  • The iconic status of Mbappé drives up his perceived value in-game.
  • Despite alternatives, Mbappé remains a sought-after choice for many gamers.

Perceived Rarity

The scarcity of packing Mbappé adds to his allure, creating a perception that he is invaluable to a player’s team.

Community Frustration

Players express their disappointment at the difficulty of obtaining Mbappé despite extensive pack openings, leading to frustration and disbelief.

In-Game Icon

The iconic stature of Mbappé in real life transfers to the virtual world, elevating his value beyond mere game statistics.

Player Preference

Despite the presence of other high-rated players, Mbappé remains a popular choice due to his unique playstyle and fan-favorite status.