Why Helldivers Hates to Let Players Complete Missions: A Look at the Frustrations

PC crashes plague Helldivers, leaving players unable to complete missions. Will the devs save the day?

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers enthusiasts are facing an uphill battle as PC crashes disrupt gameplay, leaving them stranded in mission limbo. The frustration is palpable as one player vents about completing zero missions despite investing four hours into the game.


  • Players experience consistent crashes during missions, leading to a sense of helplessness.
  • The ongoing issues have driven some players away from the game, impacting the community’s engagement.
  • Frustrations peak as performance problems persist despite attempts to troubleshoot.

Helldivers Community’s Frustrations

One player, loulou9899, expresses sheer disappointment in Helldivers as every mission ends in a game crash. Despite owning a capable PC, the fault lies within the game itself, causing immense irritation.

The community resonates with the sentiment, with users like CrunchyGremlin suggesting manual tweaks to fix virtual memory issues, indicating the depth of technical challenges.

LemonPi5572 shares the woes of PS5 players, facing a 50-50 chance of game crashes during initial dives, showcasing a widespread issue.

The Exodus Begins

Sensitive-Park-7776 highlights how persistent disconnects and crashes are driving players away from Helldivers, tarnishing their love for the game. The irksome performance problems have led to a decrease in playtime for many, echoing big_jerm88’s sentiment.

The Struggle Continues

As TheJokerRSA narrates a litany of issues from crashes to desyncs, the community echoes the sentiment that Helldivers is deteriorating with each patch, as stated by mrchess and General_Lie.

OrangeCatsBestCats dampens hope for quick fixes, revealing a prolonged break for developers, further frustrating the player base. The continuous cycle of issues paints a bleak picture, as players yearn for stability and performance enhancements.

Hangulman’s plea for consistent crash reports highlights the collective search for patterns, seeking a solution to the ongoing chaos.