Why I Love Skull and Bones: A Refreshing Take on the Pirate Genre

Skull and Bones is a game that breaks away from the traditional pirate formula, and that's exactly why it's so great.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones is a game that has divided the gaming community. While some expected it to be a Black Flag MMO, others appreciate the game’s unique take on the pirate genre. One Reddit user, oliath, expressed their love for the game and why they’re glad it’s not just another Black Flag clone.


  • Third person boarding and slow-paced harvesting would disrupt the fast-paced gameplay of Skull and Bones.
  • The game focuses on resource gathering and progression, which would become tedious if everything slowed down.
  • While many expected a Black Flag online experience, Skull and Bones offers something different and unique.

The Community’s Opinion

One Reddit user, Scribs645, voiced their concern about the lack of third person sword combat, stating that another ship would just attack and ruin the sword fight. Another user, Kalamath_KT, criticized those who complained about an endgame, explaining that season 1 hadn’t even started yet. KamaTheSnowLeopard made a playful jab at oliath’s taste in games, while brotoriouspug pointed out that those who enjoy the game are being targeted by disappointed fans. GatlingGiffin highlighted that the AC fan base had unrealistic expectations for Skull and Bones, and muffinsticks mentioned their dislike for the repetitive enemy ship crew sound bites. AgreeableFreedom9038 recognized the tedium of boarding combat against AI, suggesting a cutscene minigame for PvP battles. happymango827, E-ROCK1, and AgreeableFreedom9038 all agreed with oliath’s sentiment.

A Unique Gameplay Experience

Overall, Skull and Bones presents a fresh take on the pirate genre. It breaks away from the traditional formula seen in games like Black Flag, focusing on fast-paced gameplay and resource management. While it may not be what some fans expected, it offers a unique and enjoyable experience for those who appreciate its distinct approach.