Why is Apex Legends Running Worse After Mid-Season Update?

Players of Apex Legends are experiencing significant performance drops after the latest update. What's causing this chaos?

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players are reporting major performance issues after the mid-season update, with significant FPS drops and gameplay disruptions. The frustration is palpable among the community, raising concerns about the game’s stability.


  • Players are experiencing considerable FPS drops post-update.
  • Issues range from server crashes to ping problems and bluescreens.
  • Community expresses frustration with the declining performance and lack of fixes.

Players’ FPS Woes

Players like ZorkFireStorm lamented, “also the servers crash a lot,” highlighting the recurring server issues leading to frustrating gameplay disruptions.

Performance Woes Continue

According to Pexd, “fps has been straight garbage. horrible performance across the board,” encapsulating the widespread dissatisfaction with the game’s current state.

Community Outcry

EternalVirgin18’s experience of a BSOD in the firing range due to Easy Anti-Cheat issues underscores the severity of performance problems plaguing Apex Legends post-update, leaving players exasperated and disappointed.