Why Kratos Didn’t Return to Fortnite: Fans React

Discover why fans are disappointed by Kratos' absence in Fortnite and where the blame is being placed.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are lamenting Kratos’ absence, directing their disappointment toward Epic Games for the no-show.


  • Fans express frustration toward Epic’s handling of character returns.
  • Speculation and false hope led to widespread disappointment.
  • Some blame Sony for the lack of Kratos’ reappearance.

Disappointment with Epic

Players are expressing frustration over Epic Games’ failure to deliver on expected character returns, leading to disappointment and discontent among the community. The absence of Kratos has left many fans feeling let down, questioning the company’s decisions and communication.

False Hope and Speculation

Speculation and false hope surrounding Kratos’ return have fueled disappointment among players. While some held onto anticipation, hoping for the character’s reappearance, the lack of concrete evidence or communication from Epic added to the letdown.

Sony’s Role in the Situation

Some players are redirecting their disappointment toward Sony, suggesting that the decision to bring back Kratos lies with the company rather than Epic Games. This shift in blame reflects a nuanced understanding of the complexities behind character crossovers in Fortnite.

While players eagerly awaited Kratos’ return, the lack of communication and clarity from Epic Games resulted in widespread disappointment and frustration across the community. Fans are left questioning the decisions of both Epic and Sony, highlighting the importance of effective communication and transparency in managing player expectations and experiences.