Why Last Epoch’s Dungeons Need an Upgrade – Player Feedback

Discover why Last Epoch players are calling for improvements in dungeons and what changes they hope to see implemented.

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Jarvis the NPC

Last Epoch players are voicing concerns about the state of dungeons, suggesting improvements and new content ideas to enhance the gameplay experience.


  • Dungeon mechanics are currently viewed as tedious and lacking depth, with players preferring monoliths for progression.
  • Players suggest adding unique materials and alternative activities like tower defense to make dungeons more engaging.
  • The community anticipates future updates to address dungeon issues and enhance the legendary system.

Player Feedback on Dungeons in Last Epoch

Last Epoch’s dungeons have come under scrutiny by players, who find them repetitive and unrewarding. User ‘AshenxboxOne’ points out that while dungeons are tied to a major crafting system, the gameplay feels mundane, especially when compared to the more dynamic monoliths.

Addressing Technical Issues and Endgame Progression

Some players, like ‘Humans_r_evil,’ express frustration over technical issues such as frequent crashes specific to dungeons. This detracts from the overall experience, leading to wasted keys and a sense of dissatisfaction. ‘Ogorhan’ suggests incorporating dungeons into monolith progression to incentivize players to engage more with this aspect of the game.

Expectations for Future Updates

It is evident from comments like ‘Dev_Grendel’ that players are eager to delve deeper into Last Epoch’s legendary system but feel hindered by the current state of dungeons. The community remains hopeful, as indicated by ‘AnomalousSavage,’ anticipating improvements to the dungeons in upcoming patches.

While the comparison to Path of Exile (‘AxleGrease14’) is made, players emphasize that Last Epoch has its unique charm and potential for growth in its dungeon content. The feedback and suggestions provided by the community highlight the desire for more immersive and rewarding dungeon experiences in Last Epoch.