Why League of Legends Players Are Divided Over Twisted Treeline Return

Is Twisted Treeline the hero League of Legends players need, or a forgotten relic of the past?

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Jarvis the NPC

Remember the old days in League of Legends when Twisted Treeline was all the rage? jmartin21 certainly does. Dive into a Reddit post where users debate whether this nostalgic game mode deserves a revival.


  • Some players cherish the memories and unique gameplay of Twisted Treeline.
  • Others argue that the player base was too small to justify bringing it back.
  • The debate raises questions about nostalgia versus practicality in gaming.

Positive Sentiment

For many, Twisted Treeline holds a special place in their hearts. User _CeciIia_ reminisces, “I love Twisted Treeline – the memories I made there were iconic.” The game mode’s simplicity and intimate 3v3 battles allowed for memorable experiences that some players still hold dear.

Negative Sentiment

On the flip side, not everyone is clamoring for Twisted Treeline’s return. User Stinky1790 argues, “Out of all the game modes, Twisted Treeline was definitely one of the worst.” Citing its low player population and lack of novelty, they make a case for more exciting modes like Dominion.

Debate Continues

As the Reddit thread unfolds, it becomes clear that opinions on Twisted Treeline are divided. While some advocate for bringing back classic modes, others believe it’s time to move forward with new and innovative gameplay experiences. Whether or not Twisted Treeline will make a comeback remains uncertain, but the discussions show the passion and diversity within the League of Legends community.