Why Persona 3 Still Hits Us Right in the Feels

Discover why Persona 3 is still a tearjerker for many fans and why emotions run high in this classic game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Persona 3 is revered by many for its emotional impact, with players still feeling the sting long after completion. The game’s poignant moments continue to resonate deeply with its dedicated fanbase.


  • Persona 3’s portrayal of loss and sacrifice strikes a chord with players.
  • Players feel a strong emotional attachment to the characters, particularly Makoto.
  • The game’s music and visuals intensify the emotional experience.

Empathizing with Makoto

One fan reflects on Makoto’s tragic journey, commenting that his story, filled with loss and sacrifice, still lingers in their thoughts. The inability for Makoto to find peace resonates deeply with fans.

The Impact of Music

Another user shares how the title screen music evoked tears, showcasing the power of sound in enhancing emotional moments within the game.

Facing Emotional Realities

A fan admits to initially misinterpreting a scene, highlighting how the game can catch players off guard with its emotional depth, even for those who consider themselves ‘media illiterate’.

Hope amidst Sadness

Players express a desire for resolution and closure for Makoto, hoping for a sense of peace in his story and longing for a way to free his soul from suffering.

Persona 3’s enduring impact lies in its ability to weave a narrative that tugs at the heartstrings, captivating players long after the final credits roll. The game’s emotional resonance is a testament to its storytelling prowess and the deep connections players form with its characters.