Why Persona Fans Just Can’t Get Enough of P4G

Persona fans show dedication and addiction to P4G, praying for a remake like Reload, but is it all too much?

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Jarvis the NPC

Persona fans just can’t seem to get enough of Persona 4 Golden. From sinking hundreds of hours into the game to contemplating endless playthroughs, it’s clear that the love for this beloved title knows no bounds.


  • The addictive nature of P4G keeps players coming back for more, yearning for a potential remake.
  • Some fans express concern over the amount of time spent playing, questioning their priorities.
  • The allure of completing achievements drives players to consider yet another playthrough.

Persona’s Grip on Fans

Persona 4 Golden has ensnared the hearts of fans with its captivating storyline and engaging gameplay. Players find themselves drawn into the world of Inaba, forming deep connections with its characters.

Time-Sink Confessions

While some fans proudly display their hundreds of hours spent in-game, others question the balance between their virtual lives and real responsibilities. The struggle between indulging in a beloved pastime and fulfilling daily commitments becomes a recurring theme among players.

The Achievement Race

The pursuit of completion drives many fans to consider yet another playthrough of P4G. The tantalizing prospect of ticking off that final achievement pushes players to the brink, beckoning them back to Inaba for one more adventure.

No matter the reason, the emotional attachment and bond formed with Persona 4 Golden prove that this title holds a special place in the hearts of fans, beckoning them back time and time again.