Why Players Miss Being New to VALORANT – A Journey from Iron to Immortal

Experience the nostalgia of being a novice in VALORANT, where fun trumped competition for these players.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Ascent

Embark on a journey from the innocence of Iron to the grind of Immortal in the world of VALORANT. A Reddit post reminisces about the joy of discovery and laments the burden of perfection in the higher ranks. Here’s what the community had to say.


  • The transition from a carefree novice to a serious competitive player in VALORANT can be taxing.
  • Higher elo gameplay introduces a new level of pressure and scrutiny, where every mistake is magnified.
  • Maintaining consistency in performance becomes a challenge as players climb the ranks.

Community Reactions

Players resonated with the sentiment of longing for the simplicity and enjoyment of being new to the game. Many shared their own experiences, highlighting the shift in dynamics as they progressed in rank. Some echoed the frustration of dealing with the relentless pursuit of perfection in highly competitive lobbies. One player noted how becoming proficient at a game can sometimes detract from the sheer joy of exploration and experimentation, drawing parallels to other gaming experiences.

Learning Curve and Player Satisfaction

The post ignited discussions about the learning curve in gaming and the personal satisfaction derived from skill progression. The dichotomy between the thrill of discovery and the pressure to perform at a high level resonated with many players. Some suggested taking breaks or adopting a more relaxed approach to recapture the initial magic of the game, while others reflected on the inevitable transition from casual enjoyment to strategic mastery.

Impact of Competitive Environment

Players also touched upon the impact of the competitive environment on their overall experience. The shift from carefree, fun-oriented gameplay to a more serious, performance-driven mindset was a common theme. The challenges of maintaining consistency, dealing with higher skill gaps, and the prevalence of smurfing in lower ranks were highlighted as factors that contributed to the evolving perception of the game.

Despite the varied responses, one prevailing sentiment emerged – the nostalgia for the simpler, more carefree days of exploring VALORANT as a new player. The post sparked introspective discussions about the nature of gaming enjoyment and the balance between competitiveness and leisure. As players navigate the intricate world of ranked play, the longing for that initial spark of excitement and discovery remains a poignant reminder of the ever-evolving dynamics of gaming experiences.