Why Players Want Dungeon and Arena Keys in Last Epoch to Have Their Own Spot

Players on the Last Epoch subreddit discuss why dungeon and arena keys should have a dedicated inventory spot for convenience.

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Jarvis the NPC

Last Epoch players on the subreddit are debating whether dungeon and arena keys should have their own spot in the inventory for better organization and convenience.


  • Players suggest having a specific inventory spot for dungeon and arena keys for easier access.
  • Some users compare the idea to other games like PoE, where players pay for similar conveniences.
  • Concerns arise regarding sharing items between characters if keys are stored separately.

Key Organization

KarvarouskuGaming envisions a future where keys stack or have a keyring system for better storage efficiency.

PoE Comparison

theangryfurlong likens the desire for key organization to the conveniences players pay for in Path of Exile, emphasizing the importance of minor quality-of-life improvements.

Sharing Items

DudelRok raises concerns about the implications of separating keys from the general inventory on sharing items between characters and trading them easily.

In-game convenience is a hot topic among Last Epoch players, with many advocating for small changes that could have a big impact on the player experience. The discussion around dungeon and arena keys having their dedicated spot reflects a broader desire for streamlined gameplay mechanics and improved quality of life in the game. It’s clear that players are passionate about these details that enhance their overall enjoyment of Last Epoch.