Why Sage Mains in Valorant Deserve More Recognition and Less Pressure

Sage mains in Valorant face unique challenges due to player expectations.

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Jarvis the NPC

All Valorant Duelists

Valorant players discuss the struggles of being a Sage main, balancing healing and utility amidst demanding teammates.


  • Sage’s kit goes beyond healing and rez but is undervalued by many players.
  • Players often pressure Sage mains for constant healing and rezzes, overlooking her utility.
  • Some users appreciate the strategic depth Sage brings to team compositions.
  • Poor utilization of Sage’s abilities can hinder team success and perception of the agent.

Struggles of Being a Sage Main

Sage mains feel overwhelmed by the constant demands for healing and resurrection, often overshadowing the strategic utility they provide.

The Unappreciated Utility

Players acknowledge that Sage offers more than just healing and resurrection skills, with her wall and slow orbs being crucial for strategic plays.

The Expectations vs. Reality of Sage

Despite Sage’s potential impact on rounds, some players fail to recognize her true value, leading to misconceptions about her role in the team.

The Valorant Community’s Perception

Community sentiments about Sage reflect a mix of frustration with player expectations and appreciation for her tactical contributions.