Why Tahm Kench 3* is Creating Chaos in Team Fight Tactics (TFT)

Discover why Tahm Kench 3* is causing mayhem in TFT lobbies. Is the champion truly overpowered, or is there a workaround?

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players are divided on the issue of Tahm Kench 3* dominating lobbies, with opinions ranging from frustration to strategic tips.


  • Players believe Tahm Kench 3* is excessively powerful, requiring a significant nerf to balance gameplay.
  • Some users suggest counter strategies like Reaper 4 or high Invoker comps to combat Tahm Kench’s dominance.
  • Arguments exist that other 3* tanks like Illaoi and Thresh are equally potent on the field.

Community Frustration

Many players express frustration at the seemingly unkillable nature of Tahm Kench 3*, questioning the necessity for such overpowering tanks in the game.

Strategic Approaches

Several users offer strategic insights, recommending specific compositions or items to counter Tahm Kench’s strength, highlighting the need for adapting playstyles.

Diverse Opinions

Opinions vary among players, with some acknowledging Tahm Kench’s strength while others argue for a more balanced gameplay experience, showcasing the community’s diverse perspectives on game balance.

Despite differing views on Tahm Kench’s power level, the debate continues within the TFT community as players strive to find effective strategies to tackle this formidable tank.

Categories TFT