Why Tarzan’s Return to Pro Play Sparked Controversy in League of Legends Community

The return of Tarzan to the professional scene in League of Legends left fans divided. Find out why.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a recent League of Legends showdown, Ninjas in Pyjamas.CN faced off against Weibo Gaming in the LPL Summer 2024 tournament. The star of the series, Rookie, stole the show with MVP-worthy performances using Tristana and Corki, ultimately leading NIP to a 2-0 victory over WBG.


  • Rookie shines as the standout player for NIP, securing MVP honors for both games.
  • Controversy erupts as fans debate Tarzan’s performance and impact on the game.
  • Weibo Gaming faces criticism for the overall team performance, particularly in comparison to individual standout players.

Gamer Reactions

Despite NIP’s clear victory, the community’s focus was split between celebrating Rookie’s stellar plays and scrutinizing Tarzan’s contributions.

The Tarzan Dilemma

Some fans expressed admiration for Tarzan’s return and hailed him as a legendary player, while others sharply criticized his gameplay, questioning his place in the professional scene.

Rookie’s Brilliance

Rookie’s exceptional performance earned praise from many, with fans highlighting his skill and impact on the games, reinforcing his superstar status in League of Legends.

Overall, the clash between NIP and WBG sparked intense discussions within the community, showcasing the passion and diversity of opinions among League of Legends enthusiasts.