Why Tekken Subreddit is Buzzing Over Side Steps

The Tekken community is abuzz with excitement as side steps are the talk of the town - are they really that amazing now?

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Jarvis the NPC

The Tekken community is abuzz with excitement as side steps are the talk of the town – are they really that amazing now?


  • Players are divided over the perceived changes in side steps.
  • Some believe the effectiveness of side steps remains unchanged.
  • Others feel the new side step mechanics have significantly improved the gameplay experience.

Excitement or Disappointment?

Some players express skepticism, noting that the mechanics seem to function as before. Comments like, ‘But this is how it worked before,’ suggest that not everyone is convinced of a significant change.

Mastering Side Steps

Advanced players delve into character-specific strategies, such as using Lili’s sidesteps more effectively. ‘How is that Lili Mighty Ruler not using her sidesteps when it’s one of the things she’s great at?’ indicates a focus on individual character tactics.

Community Insights

Community members engage in lively discussions, analyzing the implications of the new side step dynamics. ‘Everything in this game tracks!!’ humorously highlights the frustration of players adapting to the perceived changes.