Why the Initial Persona in Persona Games Needs More Value – A Reddit Discussion

Reddit users discuss the importance of the protagonist's base Persona in Persona games and whether it should have more significance.

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Jarvis the NPC

Persona games are known for their deep lore and intricate gameplay mechanics that revolve around Personas and bonds. One Reddit user sparked a discussion on whether the protagonist’s initial Persona should be valued more.


  • Players debate on the significance of the protagonist’s starting Persona.
  • Some suggest unique abilities or upgrades for the base Persona.
  • Others argue that the evolution of Personas aligns with the game’s thematic elements.

Should the Initial Persona Evolve?

One user pointed out that while the idea of a main Persona evolving sounds appealing, it may undermine the strategic aspect of fusion and team-building in the game. The attachment to the initial Persona could hinder player progression.

Players’ Wishes for the Base Persona

Several users expressed a desire for the protagonist’s base Persona to have a more significant role, whether through acquiring new skills or unique abilities. They highlighted a sense of emotional attachment and the desire for greater customization.

Game Design vs. Player Experience

The debate between maintaining game mechanics and enhancing player experience remains a hot topic among fans. Balancing lore, gameplay, and emotional investment in the protagonist’s initial Persona is a delicate task for game developers.