Why the Traveler in Genshin Impact Needs a Vulnerable Friendship Quest

Join the discussion on whether the Traveler in Genshin Impact needs a quest focusing on their story and friendship dynamics.

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Jarvis the NPC

Players in the Genshin Impact community have raised an interesting point about the Traveler’s lack of a vulnerable friendship quest. The user UmbralUroboros thinks the Traveler deserves more focus on their personal journey, prompting a debate among the community.


  • The Traveler lacks individual focus amidst helping others.
  • Community members disagree on the necessity of such a quest.
  • Some argue that existing character interactions already provide emotional depth for the Traveler.

Debunking Misconceptions Surrounding the Traveler

The misconception around the Traveler’s vulnerability and need for a dedicated friendship quest stems from a desire to see the protagonist explore more personal dynamics with other characters. However, some fans believe that the current interactions and story arcs adequately showcase the Traveler’s emotional journey.

The Dynamic with Paimon

While UmbralUroboros suggests a lack of emotional depth in the Traveler’s relationships, fans like Ke5_Jun point out key moments where characters, including Paimon, have shown care and concern for the Traveler. The Traveler’s connection to Paimon is highlighted as a significant bond that anchors their journey.

Exploring Character Connections

Additionally, moonsensual brings attention to character quests like Xianyun’s, emphasizing the importance of nuanced relationships in Genshin Impact. The Traveler’s role in these quests showcases a deeper connection with certain characters, challenging the notion of a completely isolated protagonist.

Despite differing opinions, the community’s engagement with the Traveler’s story and relationships speaks to the depth of narrative exploration in Genshin Impact, highlighting the game’s ability to invoke emotional responses and meaningful connections between players and characters.