Why Warzone Players Can’t Blame Activision

Warzone players are torn between blaming themselves or Activision for ongoing issues. Find out why the community can't seem to agree.

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Jarvis the NPC

Warzone players are finding themselves at odds with blaming either themselves or Activision for the game’s ongoing issues. The player base is torn between accountability and frustration, with no clear consensus in sight.


  • Players struggle to break away from the game’s addictive loop.
  • There’s a divide on whether players should hold themselves or the company accountable.
  • A call to action for players to vote with their time and wallets.

Blaming Players vs. Activision

Some players agree with the notion that blaming Activision is futile, as long as the player base continues to support the game financially. This perspective highlights the lack of collective action within the community.

Gaming Addictions and Community Responsibility

The post emphasizes the need for players to break away from their gaming addictions and take collective responsibility for the state of the game. It calls for a shift in mindset towards voting with one’s time and money.

Differing Perspectives on Game Improvement

Comments reflect differing opinions on whether the focus should be on retaining current players or attracting new ones. The debate underscores the complex nature of balancing player satisfaction and game development.

Overall, the Warzone community is grappling with conflicting feelings of frustration, addiction, and accountability. The debate between blaming themselves or Activision continues to divide players, making it challenging to see a unified path forward. As the game’s popularity and revenue remain high, the community faces a tough decision on where to direct their frustration and demands for change.