Why We Can’t Have Them as Gadget Pets: A Genshin Impact Dilemma

Discover the community's longing for gadget pets in Genshin Impact and the quirky discussions around it.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Genshin Impact, players lament the absence of gadget pets, sparking humorous debates and creative ideas. From Paimon to Arama, the community explores the possibilities of having them as companion gadgets.


  • Players express a desire to have Paimon as a gadget pet for companionship in battles.
  • Community members share inventive ways to make Paimon a gadget pet within the game’s mechanics.
  • The absence of gadget pets in Genshin Impact generates both comedic and heartfelt discussions among players.

Gadget Pet Longing

In the Genshin Impact subreddit, players yearn for interactive gadget pets, with many expressing a desire to have Paimon as a companion in their adventures. The sentiment is mixed, with some highlighting the comedic potential of having Paimon assist in battles or provide witty commentary. Users brainstorm various scenarios where gadget pets could enhance gameplay, from offering bonuses to adding emotional depth to the player-character relationship.

Creative Solutions

Some players have devised clever ways to simulate gadget pets within the existing game mechanics. By exploiting loopholes or utilizing specific features, users have managed to keep Paimon on the screen for extended periods, creating a pseudo-gadget pet experience. These inventive approaches showcase the community’s dedication to integrating beloved characters into gameplay in unconventional ways.

Community Engagement

The absence of official gadget pets in Genshin Impact has fostered a vibrant exchange of ideas and emotions within the player base. Discussions range from whimsical fantasies of Paimon as a battle companion to poignant reflections on the significance of companion animals in gaming narratives. Ultimately, the yearning for gadget pets serves as a catalyst for player creativity and camaraderie in the virtual world of Teyvat.