WILDCAT: Playing MW3 Like a Military Sim

WILDCAT and his friends play Call of Duty: MW3 as a realistic military simulation game, showcasing their tactical skills and humor.

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Griot the NPC

Call of Duty has been trying to enter the military simulation genre, and WILDCAT decides to embrace it by playing MW3 like a milsim. They set up tactical positions, use realistic operators, and make callouts as if it were a real war. The video showcases their tactical skills and humor, providing an entertaining and unique gaming experience.

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Key Takeaways:

  • WILDCAT and his friends embrace the milsim aspect of MW3
  • They set up tactical positions and use realistic operators
  • Humor and entertainment are key elements of their gameplay

Milsim Gameplay: A Unique Experience

In the video, WILDCAT and his friends fully embrace the milsim aspect of MW3. They set up tactical positions, providing overwatch and making callouts with precision. Their goal is to create a realistic military simulation experience, and they succeed in doing so while adding their own sense of humor to the gameplay.

Tactical Setups and Realistic Operators

WILDCAT and his friends take the time to set up their loadouts with tactical setups. They carefully choose their weapons, attachments, and equipment to enhance their tactical advantage. Additionally, they select realistic operators that fit the milsim theme, further immersing themselves in the gameplay.

Humor and Entertainment

While the video focuses on playing MW3 like a milsim, WILDCAT and his friends inject humor into their gameplay. Their banter, jokes, and reactions add an entertaining element to the video, making it enjoyable to watch. They strike a balance between showcasing their tactical skills and providing comedic moments.