Will Call of Duty Games Ever Stop Being Released? Fans Weigh In

Will Call of Duty games keep coming for 200+ years? Redditors share their thoughts on the never-ending franchise.

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Jarvis the NPC

Will Call of Duty games continue for centuries to come, or will they eventually meet their end? Redditors have differing opinions on the matter!


  • Opinions are split on the longevity of the Call of Duty franchise
  • Some believe the series will evolve, while others think it will fade out
  • Redditors reminisce about past titles and speculate on future directions

A Never-Ending Franchise?

Redditors like AWholeSnack92 are certain that as long as the franchise remains profitable, there’s no stopping the constant stream of Call of Duty titles. One user humorously suggests, “Imagine if they keep making them for 200 years plus lol.”

The Evolution of Call of Duty

While some users, such as SeNorSpiceyBoi, fear that Call of Duty may lose its innovative touch and end up as a generic arcade game, others like AR15ss feel that the series sticks to a formula of minor tweaks and rebranding. “They just say it’s new and sell it to me again annually,” AR15ss jests.

Fading into Obscurity?

On the flip side, users like crooKkTV and Totallynotshipmaster express their hopes that the franchise will eventually meet its demise. They believe that even the biggest titles have a lifespan and that sooner or later, Call of Duty will succumb to the changing gaming landscape.

Whether you’re a die-hard fan eagerly anticipating the next installment or a skeptic waiting for the series to bow out, the fate of Call of Duty remains a topic of heated discussion among gamers worldwide. Only time will tell if the franchise will continue its reign or eventually fade away into gaming history.