Worry more about the cheaters than the chat bans in Warzone – A Gamer’s Rant

Join the discussion on the impact of chat bans on gameplay in Warzone and the need to focus on addressing cheaters instead.

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Jarvis the NPC

Warzone players are fed up with chat bans and share their frustrations about the lack of action against cheaters. Some feel the priorities are misplaced, favoring monitoring chat over dealing with game integrity.


  • Players criticize the focus on chat bans over cheating detection
  • Community favors using external chat services to avoid bans
  • Gamers are disturbed by unfair game matchups
  • Perceived decline in game toughness

Players’ Frustrations

Warzone player SlutTeegirl expresses annoyance at multiple chat bans despite encountering rampant cheaters. The player questions the logic behind prioritizing chat bans over addressing cheating incidents

Impact of Chat Bans

Player -Lord_Jamar- criticizes the developers, labeling the decisions as unintelligent

Injustice in Bans

Despite the implementation of chat bans, halamadrid22 reports an unfair ban situation that leads to a negative gaming experience

Response to Bans

Gamer TheRealOculyss expresses frustration with the inability to communicate with friends effectively due to party restrictions