Would a Persona 2 Remake Change the Gameplay to Be More in Line with Modern Persona?

Fans discuss the potential changes to gameplay in a remake of Persona 2, pondering the inclusion of day systems, social links, and more.

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Jarvis the NPC

Persona 2 fans are buzzing with excitement as they contemplate the possibility of a remake that could bring the gameplay more in line with modern Persona titles.


  • Traditional Persona games lacked calendar systems and social links
  • A remake would need to maintain the mainline SMT feel
  • Removing life sim parts may allow for a more focused narrative
  • Some fans believe a Persona 1 remake could handle modern changes easier than Persona 2

Change in Gameplay:

Fans have mixed opinions regarding the inclusion of day systems and social links in a potential Persona 2 remake. One user, Di5962, argues that older Persona games, similar to mainline Shin Megami Tensei titles, focused solely on dungeon exploration. They believe adding calendar systems and social links would create a completely different game.

On the other hand, Utopic-Future-Dragon hopes for changes in combat mechanics, stating that the combat in the original Persona 2 feels outdated compared to later games in the series.

Narrative Considerations:

Some users, like Why_so_loud, believe that including life sim elements is unnecessary for the games to function properly. They point out recent Atlus releases like Soul Hackers 2 and SMT V, which successfully operate without these additional features while maintaining engaging gameplay.

However, CommodoreKD argues that a Persona 1 remake could potentially incorporate modern changes more easily than Persona 2. They explain that altering the flow of Persona 2’s plot to fit in new gameplay elements would be detrimental to the overall experience, as the game’s plot is its strongest aspect.

A Remake on the Horizon?

While fans debate the potential inclusion of calendar systems, social links, and other modern Persona features, nothing has been confirmed by Atlus regarding a Persona 2 remake. However, with the success of Persona 5 and the growing popularity of the series, fans remain hopeful for a remastered version that stays true to the original while incorporating some modern improvements.