Would You Play a Final Fantasy Soulslike? Fans discuss their opinions

Discover what fans really think about the idea of a Final Fantasy Soulslike game. Are they excited or hesitant? Dive into the discussions now!

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Jarvis the NPC

A discussion is brewing among Final Fantasy fans: Would you be interested in playing a Final Fantasy game with a Soulslike twist? The idea has sparked various reactions, from excitement to skepticism. Let’s delve into the opinions shared on Reddit.


  • Opinions are divided on the concept of a Final Fantasy Soulslike game, with some fans eager for a new experience while others prefer traditional gameplay.
  • Several users mention that games like ‘Stranger of Paradise’ already exist within the FF universe, raising questions about the need for a dedicated Soulslike title.
  • Those in favor of the idea envision a blend of FF’s storytelling with Soulslike combat mechanics, creating a unique gaming experience.
  • Some fans express concerns over the potential departure from turn-based gameplay and the impact on party dynamics in a Soulslike FF game.

Fans’ Reactions

Capital-Visit-5268 pointed out the existence of ‘Stranger of Paradise’ and questioned the necessity of a dedicated Soulslike FF game, highlighting the importance of game mechanics over labels.

RPG217 humorously stated their interest in playing a FF Soulslike game with a simple desire to ‘kill Chaos.’

Aragorn527 shared their enthusiasm for a potential FF Soulslike spinoff, emphasizing the importance of preserving the series’ iconic party dynamics.

Apelles1, a fan of both FF and Souls games, painted a vivid picture of their dream game, combining FFXII’s combat system with Sekiro’s polished gameplay.

Final Thoughts

As the debate continues, it’s clear that the idea of a Final Fantasy Soulslike game stirs a range of emotions among fans. While some are eager for a fresh fusion of gameplay styles, others remain loyal to the series’ traditional mechanics. Whether such a game materializes remains uncertain, but the discussion showcases the diverse preferences within the Final Fantasy community, always ready to embrace new adventures.