wudijo Discusses Massive Tiabault’s Will Bug

Discover the hilarious and overpowered bug in Diablo 4's Rogue class that allows players to deal massive damage to world bosses.

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Diablo 4 players have uncovered a bug in the Rogue class that allows them to deal massive damage to world bosses. The bug involves a unique item called Tiabault’s Will, which grants extra combo points and scaling damage. This bug creates an overpowered build that can one-shot even the tankiest enemies in the game.

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Key Takeaways

  • A bug with the Tiabault’s Will item allows players to gain extra maximum combo points, resulting in massively increased damage.
  • The bug is most effective when combined with the Condemnation, which fills up combo points with each attack.
  • The bug significantly boosts the power of skills like Rapid Fire and Barrage, allowing players to melt enemies with spiky damage.
  • The bug has the potential to be game-breaking, as players can easily kill world bosses with the overpowered build.

Overpowered Bug in Diablo 4’s Rogue Class

In a recent video, wudijo showcases a hilarious and overpowered bug in Diablo 4’s Rogue class. The bug revolves around a unique item called Tiabault’s Will, which grants additional combo points and increased damage. By equipping this item and combining it with the Condemnation, players can unleash spiky damage that can one-shot even the tankiest enemies in the game.

Initially, wudijo stumbled upon the bug while testing a build that he had previously played until level 70. He noticed that his damage was occasionally spiky and significantly higher than usual. After some testing, he discovered that the bug stemmed from the Tiabault’s Will item, which granted extra maximum combo points. This led to a cascading effect, boosting the damage of skills like Rapid Fire and Barrage.

The bug works by combining the extra combo points with skills that scale with combo points. For example, Rapid Fire gains additional arrows and increased damage for each combo point, while Barrage adds extra arrows and lucky hits. This scaling effect results in exponentially higher damage output, making the Rogue class incredibly powerful.

The Power of the Bug

The bug’s impact is truly game-breaking. With the overpowered build, players can easily dispatch world bosses, which are the tankiest enemies in the game. Wudijo demonstrated this by dealing 250 million damage in a single attack, effectively one-shotting a world boss. This level of power is unmatched by other builds and significantly invalidates alternative Rogue builds.

While the bug may provide a temporary power spike for players, it is likely to be patched soon. The developers have not explicitly stated their plans to fix the bug, but given its game-breaking nature, it is highly probable. However, even without the bug, the Rogue class remains a formidable force in Diablo 4, capable of dealing significant damage to bosses and enemies.