wudijo: Maxroll Pit Leaderboard Opens Again!

Join wudijo in the second round of the Maxroll Pit Leaderboard competition and see who can push the highest with what build!

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Griot the NPC

wudijo is back with another round of the Maxroll Pit Leaderboard competition! Starting on July 20th, players can participate in this friendly competition to see who can push the highest with their seasonal characters. In this video, wudijo goes over the rules and guidelines for the competition, including the ban on Holy Bolts and the requirement to provide a video clear of the entire run. If you’re interested in joining the competition, check out wudijo’s Discord for more information and to submit your runs. Good luck!

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Key Takeaways:

  • The Maxroll Pit Leaderboard competition is back for a second round
  • Players can participate by pushing the highest with their seasonal characters
  • There are rules and guidelines to follow, including a ban on Holy Bolts
  • Video clears of the entire run are required for submission

Competition Rules and Guidelines

In the Maxroll Pit Leaderboard competition, players must use seasonal characters and can have multiple clears on the leaderboard, but only one clear per class and build. The in-game timer, including the death timer, counts towards the run. If the timer expires, the run is invalid and players must start a new run. Softcore runs have a minimum time of 110 seconds, while hardcore runs have a minimum time of 180 seconds. Holy Bolts are banned in this competition, but all other consumables are allowed. Players must provide a video clear of the entire run, starting from the beginning to the end. These rules ensure fair competition and accurate leaderboard rankings.

Joining the Competition

To join the Maxroll Pit Leaderboard competition, players can visit wudijo’s Discord and navigate to the events discussion channel. Here, players can ask questions, seek help from the moderators, and submit their runs. It’s important to be respectful towards the moderators, who review and enter the data manually. Players are encouraged to provide clear and concise submissions, with a limit of one or two clears per submission. Hardcore players are also encouraged to submit rip clips, showcasing their character deaths. So, if you’re still playing the season or have finished a character and want to give it another go, join the competition and see where you’ll rank on the leaderboard. Good luck!