xHOUNDISHx: Unlocking the Secret Portal in Destiny 2

Discover how to unlock the secret portal, obtain a new emblem, and find the final starcat in Destiny 2.

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Jarvis the NPC

This week, xHOUNDISHx reveals the process of unlocking the secret portal in Destiny 2. By completing the constellation wish quest and the starcross mission, players can access the hatchling refit for the wish keeper exotic bow. Additionally, a new emblem called the well tended Garden emblem is awarded. The video also discusses the Ishtar Collective icon and its significance.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Complete the constellation wish quest to access the hatchling refit for the wish keeper bow
  • Unlock the secret portal by completing the starcross mission
  • Obtain the well tended Garden emblem by presenting a gift to the final starcat
  • The Ishtar Collective icon is associated with the emblem and the secret portal

Unlocking the Hatchling Refit

In order to unlock the hatchling refit for the wish keeper exotic bow, players must first complete the constellation wish quest. This quest takes place in the dreaming City and The Gardens of Isila. Once players arrive at the Gardens, they can trigger the constellation for the fourth catalyst by locating it on the left-hand side as they enter the main area.

Accessing the Secret Portal

After completing the starcross mission, players will unlock the secret portal that has been teased throughout the game. This portal is located at the very end of the mission, after the final chests. Players will find a series of steps leading up to the portal, which leads to a chamber housing the final starcat. This starcat can be presented with a gift, and it also awards the well tended Garden emblem.

The Ishtar Collective Icon

The Ishtar Collective icon is prominently featured in the room where the final starcat is located. This has led to speculation among players about the connection between the emblem, the secret portal, and the Ishtar Collective. The video encourages viewers to share their theories in the comment section.