xPetu: The Most Disgusting Build in League of Legends

Discover the most disgusting build in League of Legends with xPetu as he showcases the power of the new S Sky item and its synergy with Shen.

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Griot the NPC

Have you ever wondered what the most disgusting build in League of Legends is? Look no further than xPetu’s latest video, where he unveils the power of the new S Sky item and its synergy with Shen. In this master ELO game, xPetu showcases the build’s incredible potential and highlights why it has become a popular choice among players. If you’re a fan of League of Legends and want to learn more about this game-changing build, be sure to check out xPetu’s video below!

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Key Takeaways:

  • xPetu showcases the power of the new S Sky item and its synergy with Shen.
  • The build focuses on maximizing Shen’s health and tankiness.
  • The build offers incredible sustain and survivability in team fights.
  • xPetu highlights the importance of proper positioning and decision-making when playing Shen with this build.

The Power of the S Sky Item

In his video, xPetu explains why the new S Sky item is a game-changer for Shen players. The item provides increased health and decreased attack damage, which perfectly aligns with Shen’s playstyle. Shen benefits greatly from the extra health, as it synergizes with his abilities and allows him to scale effectively.

Additionally, the S Sky item offers incredible sustain and survivability in team fights. With the build, Shen becomes a tanky frontline that is difficult to take down, making him a valuable asset to any team composition.

The Synergy with Shen

xPetu emphasizes the importance of proper positioning and decision-making when playing Shen with this build. Shen players need to carefully choose when to engage and when to disengage, as their survivability relies on it.

The build allows Shen to absorb a significant amount of damage while providing utility for his team. With his taunt ability and the S Sky item’s sustain, Shen becomes a formidable force in team fights, enabling his team to secure kills and objectives.

Maximizing Health and Tankiness

One of the key aspects of this build is maximizing Shen’s health and tankiness. xPetu explains that Shen scales well with health due to his abilities, passive, and ultimate. By building items like Titanic Hydra that also scale with health, Shen becomes an unkillable force on the battlefield.

The build focuses on survivability and allows Shen to soak up damage while still dealing a significant amount of damage himself. This combination makes him a threat that opponents should not underestimate.

Overall, xPetu’s video highlights the power of the most disgusting build in League of Legends. With the new S Sky item and its synergy with Shen, players can dominate the game and become an unkillable force on the battlefield. If you’re a Shen player or a fan of unique and powerful builds, be sure to check out xPetu’s video for a closer look at this game-changing build.