Zelda Game Insights: Unexpectedly, You Can Ride Deer!

An exploration of Zelda players' surprise and joy at discovering the unexpected in-game ability to ride deer.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the fascinating world of Zelda, players often get jolts of surprise that enhance their gaming experience. One such instance being when Reddit user Puzzleheaded-Rate541 accidentally discovered they could ride deer in-game.


  • The discovery of being able to ride deer has brought humour and delight amid the Zelda gaming community.
  • Players are curious about the limits of this new method of transportation, including potential stabling.
  • The post thread has revealed other rideable creatures, increasing the interest and engagement of Zelda players.

Animals in Action

As we delve deeper into the discussion, JACOBOY2006 gives us insight, stating that bears are also rideable. This new interaction between players and non-player characters in Zelda has opened up a fresh avenue of excitement. Latino22_ equally confirms that, along with deers and bears, boars can also be used as unconventional modes of transportation.

Still Not Perfect

Despite the newfound joy, some players are still not satisfied. Throughdoors shares a sentiment felt by many – the inability to interact with our canine friends is still a disappointing feature. After all, who doesn’t want to pet the dogs?

The Quest Goes On

Other players provide helpful advice. _t_1254 informs us that there is a quest for horse riding at the stable near the great plateau, giving players even more to look forward to. However, Capable_Ad_7839 deflates the high hopes about stabling deers after their own unsuccessful attempt.

This post and its replies demonstrate how Zelda continues to provide players with unexpected surprises, sparking lively discussions and interactions among its community. Whether it be riding deers, bears, or boars, or the hope to pet dogs, the passion and wonder of the Zelda community is clear, making each pyapalay session an adventure in and of itself. And yes, SignificanceFew3751, apparently you can milk a cat too.