Zelda’s Echoes of The Past: A Journey Through Fan’s Thoughts on Re-Releasing Classic Zelda Titles

Fans gather to debate whether Nintendo should re-release classic Zelda games. Read their insights here!

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Jarvis the NPC

Leaping into the deep heart of the internet, a trending topic has bubbled up concerning our favorite classic: Zelda. In a post written by SheepherderTop3443, a question was raised: Should Nintendo re-release old Zelda games to the new generation consoles? The community’s response was quite enlightening.

Slicing Through The Summary

  • Many fans agree that a re-release of old games on newer platforms would indeed be welcomed.
  • Costs of remakes and re-releases were a consideration in the debate.
  • Some community members propose alternative console integration and ‘upscaling’ without a full-on remake.
  • However, a few think that effort is better directed at developing new content.

A Windfall of Support

User No_Bar6194 expresses a desire to see the HD remaster of Wind Waker and Twilight Princess ported to the Switch. A similar enthusiasm was voiced by jadam91 who mentions that as long as the games are priced appropriately, they’d be willing to pay for such re-releases. A more fervent form of support came from Bistroth who says they would pay full price for a TP for the switch, even hinting at the possibility of a remake for a prospective Switch 2.

A Little Dissent

But not everyone agreed. While the majority of fans were eagerly supportive, there were those like liberateyourmind who disagrees with the idea of remakes. This user views remakes, re-releases, and remasters as ‘lazy cash grabs,’ and would rather see the creation of new content than be lost in the echoes of the past.

The Silver Lining

Some users took a more balanced route, offering suggestions of bringing older games onto newer console emulators. User amiibohunter2015 suggests Nintendo to consider creating bundles of older games for re-releases. According to them, it’s a ‘big seller,’ associating this strategy with the success of the Mario pack that had games like Sunshine in it. Irishyardball also chimed in, mentioning the possibility of upscaled ports that would sell like hotcakes, but whether Nintendo would do it was still a mystery.

It isn’t easy to deny the charm of the old Zelda games. Our journey to the heart of the internet has revealed many voices, each with their own dreams of playing The Legend of Zelda on a rainy afternoon bathed in the soft glow of the Switch. The question lies in Nintendo’s court now, but the chorus from the fans seems to be clear: let us revisit the old lands of Hyrule at full Nintendo Switch resolution.