ZkMushroom: The Trials Card Challenge – Loadout Gets Worse Every Match

Join ZkMushroom as he takes on the Trials Card challenge, where his loadout gets progressively worse with each match.

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Jarvis the NPC

ZkMushroom takes on the Trials Card challenge in Destiny 2, where he must complete seven matches with a loadout that gets worse every game. Starting with a strong Titan build featuring bubble, Cloud strike, and Immortal, ZkMushroom’s loadout decreases in effectiveness with each subsequent game. He showcases the loadouts for each game and provides commentary on the challenges he faces.

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Key Takeaways:

  • ZkMushroom takes on the Trials Card challenge with a loadout that decreases in effectiveness each game.
  • He starts with a strong Titan build featuring bubble, Cloud strike, and Immortal.
  • As the games progress, ZkMushroom’s loadout transitions to a Hunter build with conditional, Ignus, and War musk.
  • He finishes the challenge with an Arc Hunter build featuring blink, survivors, EP T divination, and shinobu’s V.

The Trials Card Challenge: Game Summaries

ZkMushroom begins the challenge with a powerful Titan loadout, easily dominating the first game. As the games progress, he adapts to less optimal loadouts, showcasing his skill and adaptability. Despite facing tougher opponents in the later games, ZkMushroom manages to secure victories with the help of his teammates.

In game two, ZkMushroom switches to a Hunter build with conditional, Ignus, and War musk. While initially skeptical of this loadout, he quickly discovers its effectiveness and secures another win.

Game three sees ZkMushroom using a Warlock build with well of Radiance, eye of Soul, sword, and transversive steps. Though not as strong as the previous loadouts, he manages to make it work and secure another victory.

In game four, ZkMushroom switches to a stasis Titan build with hard lights, Riptide machine gun, and precious Cars. This loadout proves to be a greater challenge, but he still manages to come out on top.

Game five introduces an Arc Hunter build with blink, survivors, EP T divination, and shinobu’s V. This loadout presents its own set of challenges, but ZkMushroom adapts and secures another win.

The final game, game six, features a burning Maul build with yotun, hungery, and Hall Fire. This loadout is the most difficult yet, but ZkMushroom’s determination and skill shine through as he secures the Flawless victory.