Zwag Xerath: Crit Sylas Build – Is It Secretly Broken?

Discover the potential of the crit Sylas build in Zwag Xerath's latest video. Find out how this build can deal massive magic damage with AD items.

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Griot the NPC

In Zwag Xerath’s recent video, he explores the viability of a crit Sylas build in League of Legends. By utilizing Sylas’ passive Auto attacks, which have 130% AD scaling, players can achieve larger crits and deal magic damage. Zwag Xerath showcases the effectiveness of this build by using the following items: Rocket Belt, Essence Reaver, and Infinity Edge. With these three core items, Sylas becomes a formidable force, capable of bursting down opponents with ease.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The crit Sylas build utilizes Sylas’ passive Auto attacks, which have 130% AD scaling, to deal magic damage.
  • The core items for this build are Rocket Belt, Essence Reaver, and Infinity Edge.
  • This build allows Sylas to burst down opponents with ease, making him a formidable force in the mid lane.

The Power of Crit Sylas

Zwag Xerath demonstrates the power of the crit Sylas build by showcasing his ability to deal massive damage with AD items. By utilizing Sylas’ passive Auto attacks, which have 130% AD scaling, Zwag Xerath is able to achieve larger crits than normal and deal magic damage. This unique combination of AD and magic damage catches opponents off guard and allows Sylas to quickly burst them down.

The core items for this build are Rocket Belt, Essence Reaver, and Infinity Edge. These items provide Sylas with increased AD, crit chance, and crit damage, making him a formidable force in the mid lane. With these items, Zwag Xerath is able to easily pop opponents and secure kills.

A New Way to Play Sylas

The crit Sylas build offers a new way to play the champion, deviating from the traditional AP build. By building AD items, players can take advantage of Sylas’ unique passive and deal massive magic damage. This build opens up new possibilities for Sylas players and allows them to catch opponents off guard.

With the crit Sylas build, players can expect to see increased burst damage and the ability to quickly eliminate opponents. This build is particularly effective against squishy champions and can turn the tide of team fights in Sylas’ favor.

Zwag Xerath’s video on the crit Sylas build showcases the potential of this unique playstyle. By building AD items and utilizing Sylas’ passive, players can achieve massive crits and deal magic damage. This build offers a new way to play Sylas and can catch opponents off guard. If you’re looking for a fresh and exciting way to play Sylas, give the crit build a try!