Zwag Xerath: Exploring the Insane Damage and Tankiness of Tankplank Build

Discover how Zwag Xerath's new Tankplank build deals incredible damage and provides unmatched survivability in this video breakdown.

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Griot the NPC

Today, we’ll be diving into Zwag Xerath’s latest video titled “THIS NEW TANKPLANK BUILD DEALS INSANE DAMAGE AND NEVER DIES (5000+ HEALTH WTF?)”. In this video, Zwag Xerath showcases a unique build for Gangplank in the Top Lane that focuses on tankiness while still dealing formidable damage. Let’s take a closer look at the key takeaways from this build.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Tankplank Build: Zwag Xerath introduces a tank-focused build for Gangplank, utilizing Grasp, conditioning, and overgrowth for survivability.
  • Stacking Heart Steel: The build revolves around stacking Heart Steel Stacks with Gangplank’s Q ability to deal significant damage.
  • Manamune and Blood Mail: Zwag Xerath starts with a Tear for mana sustain and later builds it into Manamune. He also incorporates Blood Mail for additional AD and true damage.
  • Adaptation: Zwag Xerath discusses potential variations in the build, such as incorporating Triforce or Iceborn Gauntlet based on the game’s circumstances.

Exploring the Tankplank Build

In this video, Zwag Xerath demonstrates how the Tankplank build can be a viable option for Gangplank in the Top Lane. By utilizing Grasp as the keystone rune, conditioning for increased resistances, and overgrowth for bonus health, the build focuses on survivability.

Zwag Xerath explains the importance of stacking Heart Steel Stacks with Gangplank’s Q ability. This allows him to deal significant damage while building tank items. He emphasizes the synergy between Heart Steel and Blood Mail, which provides additional AD and enhances Gangplank’s passive true damage.

The early Tear purchase ensures that Gangplank has sufficient mana sustain, especially when constantly using his Q ability. Zwag Xerath contemplates upgrading it into Manamune or leaving it as is, depending on how the game progresses.

Variations and Adaptation

Zwag Xerath suggests potential variations in the Tankplank build based on the game’s circumstances. He mentions the possibility of incorporating Triforce or Iceborn Gauntlet to provide additional damage or utility, respectively.

If the enemy team is stacking armor, Zwag Xerath considers building Last Whisper or Lord Dominik’s Regards to increase the effectiveness of his passive true damage. He also discusses the importance of having enough haste in the build to maximize Gangplank’s abilities.

Zwag Xerath’s Tankplank build showcases the viability of a tank-focused Gangplank playstyle. By utilizing the right combination of runes and items, Gangplank can become a formidable force in the Top Lane, dealing significant damage while remaining tanky. Make sure to check out the full video for a detailed breakdown of the build and its effectiveness in different scenarios!