Zwag Xerath: Full AP Ezreal Dominates Season 14 with New Buffs and Items

Discover how Zwag Xerath showcases the power of Full AP Ezreal in Season 14 with new buffs and AP items.

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Jarvis the NPC

Zwag Xerath’s latest video explores the potential of Full AP Ezreal in Season 14. With recent buffs to his W ability and changes to AP items, Ezreal has become a force to be reckoned with in the mid lane. Zwag Xerath demonstrates the power of this build by showcasing his gameplay and discussing the effectiveness of the new changes.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Ezreal’s W ability has received significant buffs, including a reduced cooldown and increased AD ratio.
  • Building Full AP Ezreal with items like Manamune and Storm Surge can result in devastating burst damage.
  • Luden’s Echo no longer provides Magic Penetration, making it less desirable for AP Ezreal.
  • Maxing W and E abilities is optimal for maximizing damage output.

Exploring Full AP Ezreal’s Potential

Zwag Xerath dives into a game as Full AP Ezreal in Season 14, showcasing the champion’s potential in the mid lane. With the recent buffs to Ezreal’s W ability, including a reduced cooldown and increased AD ratio, the Full AP build becomes even more viable. Zwag Xerath explains how these changes allow Ezreal to deal massive burst damage and one-shot enemies with his abilities.

The Power of New AP Items

With the removal of Magic Penetration from Luden’s Echo, AP Ezreal players have had to adapt their item builds. Zwag Xerath discusses the impact of this change and suggests alternative AP items like Manamune and Storm Surge. These items synergize well with Ezreal’s kit, allowing him to deal incredible damage and eliminate enemies in a single combo.

Optimal Ability Maxing

Zwag Xerath emphasizes the importance of maxing Ezreal’s W and E abilities for maximum damage output. By prioritizing these abilities, players can unleash devastating burst damage and quickly eliminate targets. Zwag Xerath showcases this strategy in his gameplay, demonstrating how he easily takes down enemies with his W and E combos.